ASPA(Asian Science Park Association) is an international non-governmental organization and was established in Japan in 1997 to promote the development of scientific technology as well as industry and economic growth in the Asian region. It makes efforts for the collaboration among innovative institutes contributing to the advancement of science and industrial technology in each region of Asia, enterprises, and individuals.
ASPA holds various international events every year, such as an annual conference, a leaders meeting, an international board meeting, a buusiness meeting, and the Science Park Innofair, etc. in order to facilitate exchange among various fields of industry, technology, culture, and education in each region.
These events help build up international networks, where experts from science parks, related institutions, universities, and enterprises including 160 members from 21 countries participate. Besides, they contribute to the mutual growth of each region by sharing industrial and economic resources and increasing the opportunities for collaboration such as technology exchange and joint business projects design.